Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Periwinkle tastes like Swiss Cheese,
Airy as paper on my tongue,
Tangy as saltine crackers,
Crinkling and crackling on the roof of my mouth
As light as ice cold milk,
Sounds like it too,
Like my grandpa does, mizing the ice
Into his glass so that it is so freezing it bites at your throat
Jazz music in the elevator,
You remember the tune faintly, in the back of your memory
But in a second it can slip away
The wind and the crickets whisper its melody into my ears,
At touch as flimsy and light as cotton balls,
Feathery as bubbles drifting away to the moon,
Smells as washed as sunscreen lotion and perfume on your collarbone,
It is your collarbone, just as slick and as bony

Monday, June 1, 2009


Wild is me slipping into the running river,
WIld is leaping off the boat, the shore, away from my worries,
And onto something better,
To burst like a cannonball into the deep cold waters,
Wild takes a running start, doesn't look back,
Is confident in rightness does, does not second guess, or regret
Wild knows that winter is lonely, that each different snowflake
Must still fall to the ground,
That spring is spontaneous and unpredictable, open and larger than life,
Wild understands this, because Wild is Spring, too
The lilacs blossoming on the wilted branches, they are Wild,
The bees, busy workers, going about their own lives, on an errand for the Queen,
Still observe the life around them,
Still can feel afraid, and know when to sting
Some say that only people have feelings, but I know better,
The deer, with her young quick-stepping children, allows them to run
Yet stays close behind,
The lions fight fot the top, roar and stalk and lay deep down low in the grasses,
Sinking into the dark brown dirt
They are King, and nobody stops them, they hold power, take control of the jungle
Surrounding them, a monarchy that no one disturbs,
Even the wind with her smooth, gentle touch
Can be roused and join the thunder in its fitful storm,
The trees are old, but they have seen more than we have seen,
Their leaves still tremble and quake
Being Wild is feeling, is power, and understanding,
Wild is fear, in knowing when to be afraid, and when, like the bee,
To sting


I want to be a bird in the densest tropical canopy of trees,
Slick, curling leaves that branch above the creeping tigers,
Slippery snakes, roaring lions, and their fumbling cubs
I am safe above the rest, my vibrant wings blooming into
A locomotive flower,
Reds and purples and yellows that dance in the wild skies,
Widespread and free,
No one can catch me,
I dive and do summersaults,
I'm an open-air acrobat, gravity can't keep me down,
I can fly to the sun, to the blaring stars,
The tips of my feathered arms can touch the small planets,
I'm a supernova flying machine,
I"m ultraviolet, the spectrum of light
Can't keep up with me,
I'm always growing bigger than I was before,
My wings leading me to the skies,
Maybe someday I'll leap beyond,
For now I am the bird singing into the jungle,
The Toucan gazing at the world below,
Wings bursting open