Sunday, July 6, 2008


Colors began turning hazily into the sky
And the water
And the ground was just ground
Something beneath me
Holding the gravity that kept me
From blowing away

Loud crashes of bursting fireworks
Echoed through the spacious
The vast empire of water and sky
Crackling and shattering the quietness,
The sheltered thoughts we hide in

And all I had with me to mark this time
Was burning metal
Emitting sparks
And drifting smoke

And with it I wrote a simple
Which sailed away with the wind smoldering
The heavy breaths I wore
From running into my own seclusion
At the end of the beach
That tipped point that led to the water
Where I stuck the ashy stick into the sand

My own farewell
To the greats
Who have done something
For us

For this world

This sparkler of light
For them I hold up
And twirl
And promise that I, too, will be something