Friday, January 25, 2008

Run and See

The sun is bright, and the snow is melting. The sounds are of cars, driving, to and from unknown places. Icy patches are scattered across the sidewalk, and my feet thump, thump, thump, on the concrete. The air is cool, but my body is warm. I am running with my friend, and we are just steadily jogging. At the moment, I am not able to go fast, but take it one step at a time.

I hear my breaths and my shoes and sense the spring-like air, even though it is January. I notice everything around me. How the pine tree's branches lean across the sidewalk, making a shady underpass. The empty streets. The few cars, heading to different destinations. And an old woman, sitting alone in a sun hat and unzipped jacket, revealing a blue sweater. On her lap a little dog rests. She waves. My friend waves back. They both smile. The woman goes back to watching.

And I wonder, what is it she watches so contently? Is it people? Or, is it just the air, so crisp, and white, and the way it feels on warm skin? I like to think she watches winter turn to summer, as though we could all sit outside our houses and experience such an event.

What would our days become if we all sat upon our porch steps and watched the sun set and rise? If we let out bodies free, and ran off everything we thought, our skin pink, and heart pumping? I feel unleashed when I run. And the things I see and hear and smell...I know I am a writer when I see these things and wish I had paper. And I know I am a runner when I love cold air and my swinging legs.

And tomorrow I might sit on our hard concrete steps and watch the things around me for no particular reason. Maybe, my feet will take off and down the block I'll fly, hearing words skitter around in my mind, and begin another story.


Shawn said...


I like the way you see the world. I see an old lady sitting on a bench and dream up stories for her too. Stories about what gets her out of bed each morning. What quirks does she have. Does she love koala bears? Why does she love koala bears, did she live in Australia in her 20's? What was she thinking about as she saw you and your friend? About her childhood, about her children, or grandchildren? Does she love the color purple? What does her house smell like?

Do you get carried away like me?

I loved your final paragraph too. How you say tomorrow you might sit on the hard concrete steps and watch the things around you for no particular reason. What things will you look at?

I like the idea of the words "skittering" around in my mind, dreaming up stories.

Keep writing!

Unknown said...


I love all your stories and am really proud to be your Uncle! What new language do want to learn? I wish I had learned sign language...maybe later.


Bridget said...

Hi Micaela Rose,
As I read your entries, it brought me to good tears.. tears of happiness. There wasn't one entry I liked the best, as all the words are beautiful. I know you are just about as tall as I am and will be taller than me its okay, cause I won't mind looking up to you. I look forward to each story you write.
Love ya,
Aunt Bridget

Jay and Sara said...

I went running this morning and I feel the same way...I must be a runner since I can enjoy going running at 5:30am in 20 degree (and windy) weather.
You running with your friend reminds me of running with my friend Stacey when we were younger. Occasionally we still get together to run. It's an amazing way to really bond & get to know each other...and it makes the miles go by faster...
I hope you and I can go running together sometime. Maybe we can go from the house Jay & I are getting built this year...we will have a front porch where we can sit and rest afterward...drink some lemonade..and stare off into the gently rolling hills out in the country....